About Our School

Our Vision and Values

Our Vision for Robert Shaw

Our vision for Robert Shaw is:

An ambitious and aspirational school enabling the whole school community to flourish

This vision statement was crafted drawing on the feedback taken from all stakeholders at our school, including: governors, parents, staff and children.

Our Values at Robert Shaw

Our values are three words: respectful, responsible, resilient.  We call these the ‘Three Rs for Robert Shaw’.

We believe these encapsulate all of the behaviours and characteristics everyone should live and learn by.

British Values

Promoting British Values at Robert Shaw Primary School and Nursery. In 2011, the government defined British Values as “democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs”. We regularly promote these values through our own school values, curriculum, Collective Assemblies, School visits and a wide range of enrichment activities.

Promoting British Values.pdf

© Copyright Robert Shaw Primary School 2024

Made by CODA Education

Transform Teaching Alliance

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Tel: 0115 9825090
Email: pa.ceo@transformtrust.co.uk

Transform Trust is a company limited by guarantee. Company Number 08320065.

Robert Shaw Primary and Nursery School