Parent Information


Year Group Expectations.

In order for the children to make the best academic progress possible the staff has agreed on the following minimum working expectations:

Year 1

  1. Reading for ten minutes every day.
  2. Homework to be completed by Tuesday.
  3. Girls are not to wear boots to school as they find it hard to sit down.
  4. Dinner pattern must remain the same all week (i.e. School Dinner, Packed Lunch or home).
  5. Check book bags.

Year 2

  1. Read every day at home and parents to comment and sign in reading record.
  2. Begin to learn joined handwriting.
  3. Write homework neatly on the lines in pencil with no scribbling or drawing on covers of books.
  4. Learn the 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables.
  5. Hand homework in by Wednesday at the latest.
  6. Write numbers to 1000.
  7. Cardigans, jumpers, gloves, hats and scarves to be labelled with child’s name.

Year 3


Reading is important and should be fun too. Please encourage your child to read their book to an adult, or older brother or sister, for ten to fifteen minutes daily. Once they are fluent readers, it is fine for the children to read to themselves. In the comments section of their Reading Record, the children are expected to write a good sentence in their own words, to explain what has happened in their book, or what they think of the story or characters. If this has not been done or is unfinished, children will stay in for part of their playtime to do so.


In addition to reading, the children will normally have to pieces of homework to complete each week. This is given out on a Friday and returned by the following Tuesday. Weekly homework normally includes spelling lists to learn for a test the following Friday. The Maths homework often involves further practice of some maths we have been working on in class. Sometimes the children will be asked to work on learning times tables facts so that they can recall them with increasing speed and accuracy for the weekly times tables test on Thursdays. Your child will be given a plastic wallet folder to carry their reading book, reading record and homework sheets. Once the homework has been marked and returned, it can be stored at home.


It is important that the children have their full PE kit in school every week for our other PE session
At the end of the school day all children leave from the main school door, so please collect them from veranda area.
If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for your continued support.

Year 4

At home

  • Children are to read for 30 minutes minimum each day including weekends and note down in their reading records, what they have read about; also the page number, book and date.
  • Children to complete weekly homework which may vary as appropriate to work in class, ability etc. Homework is given on Fridays and is expected to be handed in on Monday.

In Class

  • Children will sit up straight in their chairs.
  • Children will keep desks and equipment tidy and organised.
  • Children will be polite to peers and adults at all times.
  • Children will work at an expected noise level as appropriate to task.
  • Children will join activities asking and answering questions.
  • Children will work at an acceptable level of presentation, underlining titles with a ruler – date their work – crossout work with a ruler not a rubber.
  • Letter formation is to be the correct size, shape and joins – number formation is to be correct.
  • Children are to be on time at all times to start lessons and to begin playtimes.
  • Children will engage in a wide variety of lessons, trying new and different tasks.
  • Children will be polite and cheerful at all times.
  • Children will be especially vigilant during out of school activities with the appropriate attitude and behaviour towards visitors.

Year 5

  1. Read each day at home (including the weekends), and complete an entry in their reading diary with meaningful comments.
  2. Use cursive handwriting.
  3. Practice times tables and spellings weekly. These are tested on Fridays.
  4. Homework is to be completed and returned each Monday. If a child is absent on Friday, homework will be given on Monday and is to be returned on Wednesday.
  5. Children will take responsibility for their personal belongings (i.e. clothes, PE kit, letters).

Year 6

  1. Read for 30 minutes every night including weekends. There should be a comment written in their reading records every day that reflects what they have read. Any missed reading will be caught up at lunchtimes. This will be for no more than 30 minutes per day.
  2. Spellings are given out on a Monday and tested on the following Friday. Every child has an individual target to meet, if they do not get within 2 of this target, then the following Thursday they are given a lunchtime opportunity to learn the next set of spellings.
  3. Every week there is a longer piece of homework on which the children are expected to spend at least an hour. It is given out on a Friday and expected in the following Monday. If it is not given in on a Monday the children are expected to complete it during Monday lunchtime.

If any individual doesn’t meet these expectations they may be required to miss part of their break time to “catch up” – this might involve missed work, spelling or tables tests, or extra reading time.

As well as not reaching expectations, additional reasons for this “catch up” time are: lateness which results in loss of learning time, poor attitude to learning, or not completing enough work during the lesson.

© Copyright Robert Shaw Primary School 2025

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Robert Shaw Primary and Nursery School