Safeguarding & Child Protection
At Robert Shaw, we take the safeguarding of all our children extremely seriously. Safeguarding includes a number of different areas, including: online safety, anti-radicalisation, female genital mutilation and abuse. We have listed below information for parents, children and community members about a range of safeguarding aspects.
Our policy statements for both Safeguarding and E-Safety can be viewed from the links below, as well as links to further advice and support.
Promoting Safeguarding Through The Curriculum
Teaching Safeguarding across the PSHE curriculum
A key document we read and refer to in school is Keeping Children Safe In Education 2023. Please click on the link to access it.
Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs)
The following members of staff are trained as Designated Safeguarding Leads in school. Please click the link below to see their photographs. Please contact any of these members of staff if you have any concerns about a child.
What to do if you are worried about a child
If you are worried about the safety and well-being of a child, please do something about it. You can raise your concerns with school, and our DSLs have received specific training to do this.
Out of school hours, such as the weekends or school holidays, you can contact the following professionals to raise your concerns.
If you think a child is in immediate danger, call the Police on 999.
When an adult is worried about a child – 0808 800 5000
When an under-18 year old is worried – 0800 11 11
0800 11 11
Children’s Social Care team – 0115 876 4800
Child abuse can be categorised into four areas, including: physical, emotional, sexual and neglect. For more information about any of these four areas, please have a look at the poster below:
Prevent is the UK government’s strategy to stop people becoming terrorists, or supporting terrorism or extreme causes. As a school, we aim to prepare our pupils for life in modern Britain by teaching and making clear references to the fundamental British Values.
For more information about the Prevent Strategy, please click the link below:
FGM (Female Genital Mutilation)
Female Genital Mutilation, or FGM, comprises all procedures involving the total, or partial, removal of the female genitalia, or any injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons.
FGM is considered a grave violation of the rights of girls and young women.
The practice of FGM is illegal in the UK, and it is also illegal to take girls who are British nationals or permanent residents of the UK abroad for FGM whether it is lawful or not in that country. It is illegal to aid the practice of FGM, and it can carry a prison sentence of up to 14 years.
For more information about FGM, please follow the link below:
Staying Safe Online & E-Safety
The online world has rooted itself firmly within the real world, and many adults and children alike benefit from the advantages this brings, such as research, gaming and socialising. However, it is important to be aware of the risks online technology can pose to children and young people. Please find below information for parents and children to enjoy and stay safe online.
TT Online-E Safety Policy June 2020
What Parents Need To Know About Snapchat
What Parents Need To Know About Squidgame
What Parents Need To Know About Netflix
What Parents Need To Know About Tiktok
Back to School Online Safety – September 2021
Staying Safe Online Information for Parents and Carers
Staying Safe Online Information for Young People
Social Media Terms And Conditions e.g. Twitter, SnapChat & Facebook
Grand Theft Auto – Advice for Parents
MOMO – Safety Guide For Parents FEB 2019
12 Smartphone Online Safety Tips DEC 2019
If you are worried that a child has been abused online, or you are worried about the way someone has been communicating to them, contact the Police’s Child Exploitation and Online Protection command (CEOP).