Key Information

Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

At Robert Shaw, we are committed to the inclusion of children with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND), wherever practical. We cater for the needs of all pupils.  All teachers plan, teach and mark work which is appropriate and relevant to the needs of all pupils.

Progress of children is monitored continuously.  If a child is experiencing particular difficulty then action is carried out in two ways, as set out in the SEND code of practice.

School Support – the trigger for intervention through school action would be from a teacher or others who have concerns about a child.
Additional Support – the trigger for school action plus would be (despite the additional support detailed in the individualised programme) that the child makes little progress.  Additional support from other agencies is usually sought. The child may work in small groups or individually with a teaching assistant if deemed necessary.

For all children who come under these two steps, parents are fully involved. They will see, and have copies, if required, of the child’s Individual Education Plan (IEP) and the review of the IEP.

If you have any concerns or questions about the special educational provision for your child, or about special educational needs provision generally, please speak to our SENDCo in the first instance.

Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator is Mrs Manjunath and she can be contacted via the school office

SEND report 

RS SEND Policy

RS Accessibility Plan

Nottingham City Local Offer

Positive handling policy

Intimate care policy

Intimate care plan template

Continence care plan template

© Copyright Robert Shaw Primary School 2025

Made by CODA Education

Transform Teaching Alliance

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Tel: 0115 9825090

Transform Trust is a company limited by guarantee. Company Number 08320065.

Robert Shaw Primary and Nursery School